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Hakatun are a type of large herding animal native to the twilight strip on Vivatus.


With four columnar legs, a long neck that can only bend between the horizontal and the ground, the Hakatun has no tail and grey, folded skin. Females grow up to 3m long and masses up to a tonne, with the bulls usually half as big again, also having a single club-like antler on their skull.

Their feet each end in two hooves, and are thickly muscled. Hakatun can reach speeds of 10m/s on open ground. They will charge at Svolves to try and deter them.


Stangrass forms the majority of the Hakatun diet, though they will also eat low Zaltree leaves.


Hakatun bulls build up a harem of females. They will mate with every female once per five months or so, in a time of frenzy where they drool thick saliva and become highly aggressive.

Offspring gestate for two months, and are born weighing around 20kg. Around one in ten matings ends with a pregnancy. They take two years to grow to full size, at which time they will be sent to the next other herd that their birth-herd meets.

Males can challenge the ruler of a harem at any time. After engaging in a bout using their head-clubs, a victor will be decided.