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Kesurus is a planet in the Viperius Galaxy. The Vrah come from here, but it has been conquered by the

Kesurus from orbit

Kerarans. It is Planetary Class THH.


This is a medium-sized terrestrial world.


Kesurus is around 15,000km in diameter, and has a mass of approximately 1.6 Earths. This gives it a density of 0.98 Earths.


Kesurus' rotational period is 87,000 seconds, just over 24 standard hours. It takes 389 of these days to orbit its sun.


The planet's crust is 32.3% oxygen, 30.1% silicon, 15.9% iron, 8.2% aluminium, 6.7% sulphur, 3.5% other metals, and 3.3% other elements.


The surface of Kesurus is 41% water. It has no icecaps, and the majority of the land is arid desert. The surface gravity is 1.15Gs, and surface pressure is 0.97 atmospheres. The average global temperature is 30 degrees centigrade.


Kesurus' atmosphere is 74% nitrogen, 24% oxygen, 1.4% argon and trace other gases.


Kesurus bears complex life- the Vrah evolved here. Most lifeforms are hardy and compete aggressively for the sparse resources. The Shadowleaper is a notable organism.


The Vrah were nomads prior to the Keraran arrival, so had no settlements. The Kerarans have set up a number of fortresses, and one or two spaceports.