The Seraph

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The Seraph is an individual of unknown species and background, but known on many planets as a notorious

A symbol often left by the Seraph after destructive activities



The Seraph's appearance is unknown.


The Seraph shows extreme psychopathic tendencies, a desire to destroy the 'system', and complete insanity. They appear to be a very intelligent person, always planning ahead and intricately preparing every detail of their plans.

They seem to feel no inhibitions about killing or maiming minors or elderly people to achieve their goals.


The first evidence of an individual calling themself 'The Seraph' appeared in 3.999(.983), on Centro. Sixteen public buildings were destroyed by high explosive, and a pattern in the centre of the destruction read 'From the Seraph; happy birthday" in a military code that had been believed to be secret.

Eight separate events, costing a total of 12,339 lives, have occurred and been linked to the Seraph. They have occurred on planets such as Kaedel's Hope, Arentis Major, and Vatreon.