Aquila Battle Cruiser
The Aquila Battle Cruiser is a Paragon Weapons Systems battlecruiser, designed for resilience and adaptability.
The Aquila is usually around 700m long, and 180m across at its widest point. It has an extended triangular shape, with two VFH-C engines and six VGO-E manoeuvring thrusters at the rear. In addition, it has one VFH-B thruster just under the nose for rapid withdrawal. It has a large Hyperdrive.
For power, the ship has a 150mx150mx20m He-3 fusion torus. Hydrogen fuel cells and a small thorium reactor are also present for emergencies. There have been complaints about the unreliable cooling system for the thorium generator, but the others are rough and faults in them are very rare.
Its armour is 9-inch carbide over spaced titanium-steel alloy, with a ceramic heat shield where atmospheric contact is expected. A petros-NF repulsor field is built into each layer.
The ship is designed to hold 800 Zyrothan-sized crew, though different species may have different space requirements. The ship has a class-AB life support system, capable of sustaining a crew of 500 average Zyrothans for 10 years without setting down if needs be.
The ship's sensor arrays have lidar, radar, optical and infrared telescopes, and chemical analysers. The sensors, when working together, can be used to build up a 3D image (with a resolution to 250cm) of a hostile spaceship at 0.5 AU.
The ship has forty Minurill-type escape pods and an ejector cockpit. The ship has no built-in self-destruct, and has cyberwarfare-hardened electronics. No accessible network connections are present.
The Aquila can hold many different weapons systems. The standard model comes equipped with twelve mass cannon bearings, eighteen point defence turrets, four laser bays, sixteen torpedo tubes, and a large bomb bay.
The ship is an effective rammer, though this results in irreparable damage.
The Aquila is widely used, mainly by organisations such as Elkas Combined Security, but also as backup ships by several governments.