Arrathen is a planet in the Lone Galaxy of the Doomsday Galaxy System.
Arrathen is a type TII terrestrial world.
Arrathen is located in the B-arm of the Lone Galaxy, around a third of the way out from the core. It orbits a K0-class star at a distance of 0.53 AU.
The radius of Arrathen is around 8000km- 1.26 times Earth's. It is 1.87 Earth masses in mass, so its density is 5.19 g/cm3, which is 94% of Earth's. This results in a surface gravity of 1.18Gs.
Arrathen's crust is 40.8% oxygen, 32.9% silicon, 14.2% magnesium, 6.6% iron, 5.5% other metals, and trace other elements.
51% of Arrathen's surface is water. The majority of the land is rugged desert. On the surface, the average temperature is 33°C, with the lowest recorded being 23°C and the highest as 39°C.
Nitrogen makes up 79.9% of Arrathen's atmosphere. 18.0% is oxygen, and 1.1% is trace gases.
Arrathen has low biodiversity. A nuclear holocaust occurred a short time ago, and the fallout still permeates the central desert. There are many 'dead zones' in the ocean, which has been generally ecologically depleted. The charred ruins of a few cities form a biome in their own right.
The main animal group on Arrathen is the ophidiosks, which exhibit segmented bodies but otherwise reptilian traits. They are widely variable, but generally ectothermic and of low intelligence. Plants are mainly low-lying herbs, though many coastal areas bear large trees with light green, fleshy and curled leaves.
Notable animals include the Couatl, Skoragator, Gelyel, ...