Azure is a dormant AI located in the Tamuzal microverse. It appears to have been moved into Tamuzal while inactive.
The form containing Azure is a giant sphere 40,000km across, and constructed from spaced, nanoregenerative carbon nanotubes with a cold plasma defensive field. This in turn has a group of giant rings ranging from 75,000 to 300,000km in diameter, revolving around it and with the same protection.
Entering the construct has proven impossible due to these defences. However, it appears to possess many millions of weapons, sensors and transmitters on its surface.
Azure appears to have been designed as a battle computer. All known about it comes from a 9 second recording being constantly transmitted from the surface, which is theorised to show the AI's last moments of activity.
The feed shows a completely black room with a holographic blue cube at its centre, being manipulated by an unseen being. A female-type, synthesised voice enquires as to what the figure is doing, but then begins to distort. The feed becomes static, and then repeats.