Centro Security Agency

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The Centro Security Agency, or CSA, is Centro's security force. It protects, monitors and administrates the

The CSA logo



The CSA's remit, as decided by the founding races, is to "protect Centro, its government and citizens. This can be achieved by intelligence, counter-intelligence, and where is absolutely necessary use of threat or force."

There are several branches, each with their own special remits and structures.


The CSA has many branches. They include:

  • The Centro Intelligence Service, or Central Intelligence of Centro (CIS or CIC), tasked with acquiring and storing information on hazards to Centro.
  • The Centro Counter-Intelligence Taskforce (CCT), tasked with preventing infiltration or sabotage of Centro.
  • The Centro Defence Force (CDF), tasked with defending Centro from external attack.
  • The Centro Police Service (CPS or often 'Seeps') is tasked with keeping the peace in Centro, as well as street defence.
  • The Centro Surveillance Taskforce (CST or CPT) is tasked with monitoring the population of Centro, and alerting the other branches to threats.


The CSA is Centro's tenth-largest employer. It has around 100 million personnel.

The CIS has 38,000, the smallest agency.

The CCT has around 138,000 individuals.

The CDF has 36 million individuals.

The CPS has 59 million personnel.

The CST has 4 million servicemen.