Gelyel are aquatic ophidiosks native to the oceans of Arrathen.
The largest species of Gelyel grows to about 15 centimetres in length, all most species are in the order of 4 or 5 centimetres. They have lizard-like heads with circular mouths, and five pairs of long antennae are located behind the eyes (which are composed of specialized ommatidia).
Gelyel have ten limbs, each ending in a small, hooked claw. These are used for gripping food sources and during mating. Their body terminates in a long tail-like structure, which is used in swimming.
Adult Gelyel are parasitic, latching onto larger organisms and then feeding on them. The larva feed on phytoplankton.
Life Cycle
After hatching, Gelyel spend most of their life as larvae, swimming about in the sea and eating phytoplankton. They grow progressively larger during this time, and so they have to moult. After their tenth moult they are officially adults, and immediately start seeking mates. Males die after mating, and the females then parasitize larger organisms to receive ample nutrition for their eggs. The females then die after laying a clutch.