Keel Specimen 03
Keel Specimen 03 is a Keel Queen held by the Zyrothan government.
Specimen 03 is a large Keel Queen, with black streaks trailing backwards along its flanks. It is most unusual due to its large brain, with an expanded frontal cortex and braincase. It is thought this is natural variation.
As it is a queen, 03's tail is shortened and the abdomen is swollen.
Specimen 03 is kept in stasis in Bunker 23 on Yeseg. Bunker 23's location is above top secret.
To better understand the Keel, 03 was taken out of stasis and placed in a reinforced enclosure. Basic tests had been done on other specimens.
Test 1
Previous experiments had shown Keel have a great ability to associate threats or treats with sounds. In this experiment, 03 was taught to associate "Stupid lizard" with a 100-volt shock. 03 learned rapidly, and also seemed to understand the gestures the controller used to command the personnel causing the shock, diving to cover.
Test 2
03 was offered a bucket of Ezafes flesh, which it is known Keel like. The specimen was taught to associate the word 'food' with the Ezafes flesh, and then with meat. Note: It seems that 03 attempted to mimic the word later while hungry, but was unsuccessful.
Tests 3 to 57
03 was taught many other words, all successfully, including using pictorial representations. It now understands basic sentences, though syntax sometimes causes incomprehension.
Test 58
03 was reintroduced to other Keel. Keel screeching was still possible, and it seems 03 attempted to teach the other Keel certain words taught to it in experimentation. To prevent this, all Keel were electrically shocked then separated.
Tests 59 to 101
Over the course of these experiments, basic writing and syntax was taught. It amazed all scientists involved that this was possible.
Test 102
A keyboard was installed in 03's enclosure. 03 simply typed the words 'let me out' over and over, so the device was removed.
<After this, the generals in charge were imprisoned and the scientists were made to leave the project and had amnesiac implants added. Specimens are still in stasis>