Okor Zasrod

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Okor Zasrod was a Zyrothan warrior, from Yeseg. He is deceased.

Okor, on Scarab


A large, battle-hardened Zyrothan, Okor had a bulky physique and disgruntled expression.

His lower jaw and back were heavily scarred, but unimpeded.


Proud and impetuous, Okor was obsessed with honour. He was hard-hearted and ruthless, always looking to increase his reputation.

He was something of a show-off, and vain.


Okor wore tough armour and wielded two heatswords.

He also had a Gladius Assault Rifle, which he named 'Esmera'.


Okor was born on Yeseg, and joined the Iron Skulls mercenary group at a young age, travelling around and fighting in many locations in Viperius.

After ten years of fighting for them, he joined Elkas Combined Security and moving to Centro.

After that, he joined the Zyrothan military, earning the rank of Middle-Commander. He fought for a while in the Xenopteran War, but came back after only two months.

He was sent to fight the Raptor sapiens leader, the Alpha Emperor. A duel ensued which ended in his death and terrible injuries to the raptor.

In Fiction