Orvets are robotic creatures, believed to once have been servants to a superior race. However, they rebelled and gained free will.
The head is shaped roughly like a human’s, but is taller. In addition, it has a long spike pointing backwards, for no apparent reason. The head can swivel 360 degrees. It appears to have one ‘eye’ in the middle of its face, but this is in fact a laser. The laser itself has the power to cut through several metres of titanium without too much difficulty.
Concealed in various parts of the head are sensors, which act as ‘eyes’. The repulsor field (see Technology) is strongest around the sensors.
The chest unit is the thickest part. At the centre is a small cannon, which fires projectiles fifteen centimetres wide and twenty centimetres long, which are pointed at the front end. Two smaller gun barrels are concealed in the shoulders. Metal plates on the shoulder can slide away to reveal these barrels, which can then extend outwards. They hold up to twenty bullets at a time, and are fired at a rate of two per second.
The arms are connected in such a way that makes them both incredibly strong, and moveable. The hands are three-fingered with one opposable thumb. These are all flexible. In addition, the fingers can swing away to reveal another weapon. There are three barrels, lined up vertically, and each one can fire simultaneously or separately. They fire small projectiles filled with an even smaller amount of explosive, which detonates on impact.
The legs are mobile both at the hips, knees and ankles. Rather than feet, they have a structure resembling a tripod. As this is not mobile, it makes the mobility of the rest of the legs even more important.
In the base of each of the tripods’ legs is a small rocket, which can be used to fly. By moving its legs, an Orvet can change direction.
Orvets are made from rhenium nitride.
Orvets are robots, and as such have no personality, only a desire to complete the tasks set before them, and a strict military doctrine.
Life Cycle
Orvets can live on indefinitely unless destroyed. They do not reproduce; new Orvets are built.
Social Unit
They have no social lives, and the only social unit they have is a military doctrine. Every Orvet is in the military unless they take up the job of making new Orvets.
They are led by a single individual, generally called ‘the Master’. Though there need not be any more commanders, as all Orvets are programmed to obey, they tend to be split into units of around 100,000, each led by a general.
Orvets are believed to have been created by an organic race, as servants. However, at some point in their history they gained free will and rebelled, destroying or driving away their creators. They have continued to produce Orvets, but are now beginning to conquer the Obscura Galaxy. However, at the current time, they only hold a few inhabited planets.
As stated above, the majority of Orvet weaponry is built into the body. Their rhenium nitride ‘armour’ makes them hard to destroy, as well, and in addition each Orvet generates a repulsor field around its body. This field stops kinetic and energy weapons.
Just about the only technology not built into the Orvets are their spaceships. These are pointed in shape, with a narrow front and wide base. The engines are built into the base. Spaceships are between one and twenty kilometres long.
They are made of rhenium nitride, and armed with highly powerful lasers, nuclear missiles, and mass drivers.