Pandaemonium is the capital of Inferno, and the main city of the Daemons.
Pandaemonium is an enormous city, over a hundred miles wide. It is built over Veiled One ruins.
To allow the survival of all the Daemons within, there is an enormous heat envelope around the city. This keeps it survivably hot.
The building are metal and stone, with millions of Daemons living there. It has enormous nanobot walls, and Cubi-forged towers. Every ten miles along the wall is a great Daemon Fortress.
The city was made like a giant labyrinth, so as to make invasion and capture difficult.
Pandaemonium is occupied by millions upon millions of Grakk, Korgrath and other Daemons. It also contains Praeti, and often Gehennians. Hectocapitus resides in the city for the majority of the time.
Warbeasts, Chimaeras and other mutated abominations live here too.
There are several types of Daemon found here but nowhere else, such as the Praetus.