Salum is a planet in the Domain of Fear, a region in the Vesania universe.
Salum is a class SIG planet.
Salum's diameter is approximately 16000km, and it has the mass of 2 Earths. As such, its density is 5573kgm^-3 (1.01 times Earth) and its surface gravity 1.27G.
A day on Salum lasts around 26 hours. It has an axial tilt of 50 degrees.
Salum has a surface area of 804247718km^3. This is 34% water, and has no ice. The maximum temperature recorded is 49 degrees, but it is usually around 42.
Salum's atmosphere is 50% nitrogen, 28% argon, 18% oxygen, 3% carbon dioxide and trace other gases, mainly water vapour.
Salum holds a little complex life. This is mainly in the form of large fish and marine reptiles in the waters.
Giant land-corals grow on the surface, reaching the sizes of hills. They in turn are fed on by thousands of echinoderm-like creatures.