Story: On Time

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Introductions and preparations. By Holbenilord.

On Time

The sunset tinted the sky a gentle pink, strengthening to reds near where it fell. Gold and yellow, too, radiated outwards and lit up the clouds that watched everything from behind. The solar disc slipped slightly further down, its setting rendering the sky incarnidine and beautiful.

The golden-leafed trees reflected a little of the brightness. The forest was aflame with mellow lights, some constant but others twinkling and moving across the boughs. The trunks, where they were visible, were contrasted powerfully from behind by the fading sunlight. Golden beams of silent light pierced the gaps and the holes in the treeline, reaching out to the grass and ferns tucked neatly against the ground.

The lake, however, glittered white across its gently shaking surface. Little points of white bounced up from its surface, drifting across the water's skin. The reeds blocked some as they moved behind them, but they peeked out from between when they could.

This was the place.

"The sunset over the furthest rivers..."

This, this world, was were it would be.

"Seeking refuge beyond the horizon..."

This was perfect.

"An eternity away..."


"Watched by eyes narrowed in scorn..."

The leaves rustled with a gentle breeze. Some came off and floated slowly upwards, meeting the air currents that rippled through the golden forest. They were buffeted and roughly thrown by invisible hands for a minute, and then allowed them to drift back down to the trees.




The three Beginning fell silent.

The sun moved a little further down. It seemed reluctant to slip into oblivion.




Quiet again.

Only a sliver sat on the dusty horizon now.




The pause gave the sun a long enough time to lose its grasp and fall. The light gathered itself together and then fell with it, leaving the sky darkened and greyscale. Where the colours had painted the sky, there was now twilight.

"The Beginning."

"The End."

"The Truth."

And with that, they faded away.